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Welcome To

Narbhavi Vidyalaya School

Education is our passport to the future. For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare it today.



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Narbhavi Vidyalaya

Genie kidz is the preschool section of Narbhavi vidyalaya and here’s where the childs journey with Narbhavi begins. Our Geniekidz has play group, Nursery, pre-primary 1 and Preprimary 2 classes. Children from Geniekidz preschool are assured. Admission into Narbhavi Vidyalaya. Genie Kidz’s curriculum  is the brain-child of our founder Dr. A Kayatri Devy.

Our Early  years program  (EYP) curriculum  is designed to encourage learning outcomes that focus on nurturing children to develop holistically, morally, aesthetically and globally, including knowledge acquisition and academic skills. Our EYP framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.

Computer Lab

The school’s Computer Lab is developed with state of the art Technology to optimize learning efficiency. 

Social & Fun

Our students immerse themselves in joy, fun, and a vibrant setting in our school. our school encourages both pro-social behavior.

Safe Playground

Physical activities are essential for children to keep them active. Our school provides a safe playground for the children

Caring Staff

Our school strives to offer children a supportive, caring learning atmosphere where they have the chance to live a fulfilling life.

Clean & Hygienic Campus

We ensure that the school is well maintained because it is favorable to productivity and boosts the likelihood.

Qualified Teachers

With the help of our highly qualified teachers, we offers challenging curriculums that strongly emphasize cutting-edge teaching techniques

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Years of Experience
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about us

What “Parents” Say About Us

Anitha S Parent

Narbhavi is one of the best school in our area. It has a right mix for laying down a solid foundation for kids. It gives complete package of academic and extra curricular activities where my child is enjoying his childhood. It is headed by Dr. Kayatri Devy, who is a well renowned educationist . It has a well trained faculty.

Nithya Sree Parent

Thank you for offering such a great school with so many activities and real great teachers. We can’t wait for the Ski Week trip! we like the place and the culture. As I moved a lot and experinced to see different schools but , from my bottom of my heart I can say narbhavi vidyalaya is the best school in all respects.

Tarun Kumar Parent

A school which nurtures the kids with the creativity, knowledge and practicality.... The education system of the school motivates the child to learn in such a way that they they don't feel burdened with study.....My daughter had a good learning with NARBHAVI VIDYALAYA ..... We wished we could continue her here...


Our Fine Days

Our Teachers

Our Facilitators

At Narbhavi Vidyalaya, the adult guide in our thinkrooms doesn’t teach our Narbhavians, but facilitate their learning and thus they are called “facilitators” not teachers. They meet our children with beloved authority and travel with them. Through this deep understanding, the facilitator works to strengthen, nurture and grow the capacities of each child and the class.

               Our facilitators are aptly qualified and in relevant areas. To keep them abreast of the latest trends, continuous, Professional Development programs take place in the school.


Tales from long ago, rhythm, music & movements, our main studio books filled with rich images and creative writing, folding papers, painting, working with day, verse and recitation, reading and writing ,smiles, laughter and joyful learning.

This is life @ Narbhavi Vidyalaya

Dr A .Kayatri Devy

Correspondent cum principal

Mr. R. Durai



Special Occasions

Chutties Activity

We believe that every child has gifts and talents that can be recognized and developed at our Castle. Our curriculum – all the learning experiences of the child– develops from the view that keen to find out and actively engaged in making sense of their world.

Field Trip

Sitting in a window seat, With your bestie was a dream!! We found the true friendly faces of our teachers in the school tour and also enjoying a lot in happiest manners by singing, dancing,chasing etc.this is also one of the heaven with full of happiness.

Creative Activity

The Creative activity refers to projects, presentations, or products through which students “exhibit” what they have learned, usually as a way of demonstrating whether and to what degree they have achieved expected learning standards or learning objectives.

Online Admission

Fill the Online Registration Form to Get a Call from our Counsellor 

About Us

We are here to produce the next generation who are smart and have character